A day of changes

It’s taken a while to catch up with the world now that we’re fully, finally and properly back online, and to celetrate I’ve switched themes to something even more minimal. Gone are the funky post titles and cool wobbly blog title, and in is pure, simple…. uhhh….. simplicity.

The original plan was to replace the current theme with something that used less flash, but added an extra sidebar. The challenge of finding a decent 3 column theme that met my needs (simple, uncluttered, original, monochrome and non-corporate) proved too much, so I decided to stay true to my own preferences and ditch the sidebar completely – at least for now. Content is king! My only concession is the footer which shows by email address, my latest tweet, archive links and a short list of upcoming posts. What was in the sidebar (blogroll, feeds, etc) I’ll put into a separate page or two.

Why am I doing this? Why, just wait and see………….

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