The D&D Next Open Playtest begins this week

And you know what?

I know what I will be doing 24th May (hitting Refresh on the D&D website a quite lot).

How ’bout you?

5 Comments on “The D&D Next Open Playtest begins this week”

  1. Spam F5
    At will, Immediate Reaction
    Keyboard +11vs AC +1 Server Load Damage
    Melee: Weapon Target: Triggering Web Server
    You smite your F5 Key, bringing the web server to its knees
    Keywords: Geek
    Trigger:The Playtest Rules are not online
    Attack: Impatience VS AC
    Hit: The web page refreshes
    Special: If the rules are not online after the page refreshes you can use this power again as a free action
    Additional Effects

    D&D Geek Attack 1

  2. Although I seem to be in a distinct minority among OSR bloggers, I’m definitely looking forward to this.

    They seem to be *saying* all the right things, and so I call myself cautiously optimistic. I reserve judgement until I actually have something to evaluate, however.

    In particular, I’m curious as to how, exactly, they will attempt to fulfill the promise of having rules-heavy and rules-light players playing the same game at the same table at the same time. If they’ve managed some sort of elegant mechanical trick to make this work, no one will be more pleased (and surprised) than I.

  3. They seem to be *saying* all the right things, and so I call myself cautiously optimistic. I reserve judgement until I actually have something to evaluate, however.

    I’m guessing that whoever holds the checkbook has determined that the right things must be said, and doesn’t actually care about the right game being designed — so 5e is as much of a crapshoot as 4e was.

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