Create a monster, win a no-prize!

Here’s a challenge to brighten your days as the nights draw in. For the chance to win a one of a kind custom no-prize, create a monster, post it up on your blog and link to it in the comments below.

As Hallowe’en is just around the corner make it as scary as possible; game stats and artwork are entirely optional, but bonus points will be awarded if they’re included. This is open to any genre or game edition (if stats are provided) – I’m looking for originality and fright factor, above all else.

The deadline is (of course) 31st October. I’ll pick the winner and a precious no-prize could be yours!

What are you waiting for? Get creating!

2 Comments on “Create a monster, win a no-prize!”

  1. And the winner is….. Sean! Not just for being the only entry, but for being the best only entry. The Order Maker is great!

    Sean, you win the no-prize. Handle it with care.

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