DAZ3D Freebie of the Week: Spider Tank!

Die Sturmspinne is a six legged battle tank [1. I know spiders don’t have six legs, but ant-tank just doesn’t have the same ring, y’know. It’s a spider tank. So there.], and it’s for free this week. Do I really need to say anything else?


Go get it!

The tank loads with the legs splayed out by default, making it something of a dead spider tank. Here’s the pose above (thrown together quickly as a starting point) in DS4 pose format. Unzip it to your My Library->Presets->Poses folder and apply to the dead spider tank to bring it back to life again.

UPDATE: My, that was fast. WERTS has released some rather excellent free poses for Die Sturmspinne, right here!

5 Comments on “DAZ3D Freebie of the Week: Spider Tank!”

  1. What did you use for a background? Was that jut a plane with texture and colour, or do you have a secret tank battle arena we don’t know about?

    1. It’s one of Stonemason’s Greeble City Blocks scaled up to 12,000%. I should have adjusted the material though – it came out far too shiny and didn’t catch shadows how I wanted. Ah well.

    1. The Dystopian City Blocks are great! Scale them to 12,000% and you have whole city-block sized backdrops to explore. Keep them at 100% and you have elements you can drop in the distance to make a skyline. Put them on their sides facing each other an you have a sci-fi trench to be proud of. I’ve found loads of uses for those city blocks!

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