Welcome to WordPress three point oh

To honour the release of the latest and greatest version of WordPress, I have changed the theme on my blog to Twenty Ten for just one day. This is the new default theme, and a worthy replacement to the aged and outmoded Kubrick. May he rest in piece.

The upgrade from 2.9.2 to 3.0 went disappointingly smoothly. There were no high-tension plugin foobars, no hairy chested database issues to battle, and not even an errant theme problem to fight with. Heck, even my spiffy Ajax-powered theme worked (and it’ll be back tomorrow, promise!). Your mileage, of course, may vary.

Here’s a quick overview of what’s new ‘n’ trendy in three point oh.


If you want to know more, here is where you need to be.

I like it. Do you?

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