The Long Good Friday Render Dump

Here’s a special dosing of rendery goodness on that very special day of the year when we celebrate a guy being tortured to death.[1. Or a god being tortured to death, if you prefer. Which is probably much worse.] Which says a lot about mankind, I guess.


On with the show! All by me and rendered in DAZ Studio with some, lots or no postwork in Photoshop. Clicking makes ’em bigger.

12 Comments on “The Long Good Friday Render Dump”

  1. @Timeshadows “Intrigued”, eh? Not sure if that’s a good thing or not :D

    The urban samurai render took around an hour to setup and about the same time to render, plus a touch of postwork afterwards. For something where I’m creating a character and scene to order though it takes longer as I have to match your idea of their appearance, clothing, etc. This usually involves bouncing a few images and ideas back and forth before creating the final full-sized image.

    Still intrigued?

  2. @Timeshadows I look forward to it!

    @Elton Sad but true, my friend. I remember an Easter Sunday sermon from many years ago when it was described that way, and it stuck with me.

  3. Your comment about Jesus/God reminded me of the Bill Hicks quote:

    “A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to look at a fucking cross? It’s kinda like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.”
    .-= Chris Tregenza´s last blog ..Pathfinder NPC Generator Beta Test =-.

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