You're in trouble now


My little netbook really likes DAZ Studio 3, which is nice. Depth of Field is a complete doddle to set up right out the box (tutorial coming soon!) and render speed is a huge improvement. Right now I’m re-installing about 30Gb-worth of content and having fun rendering as I go. Pictures such as this, for example.


… and this…..


Or how about this one?


… or even…..


There’s nothing special – these are all 5-10 minute quickies just to check that all the content is going in and working as expected. For the most part, it is. Happy days.

In other news: Endday Campaign is on pause for a few weeks due to pre-holiday stuffery, so expect more D&D Long Term Test musings and other ramblings. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to install more goodies.

7 Comments on “You're in trouble now”

  1. even though they are just basic, they are still better then wht little i have done.

    I love how the first three remind me of other things like, Luke Cage (Marvel), Assassins Creed and “THIS IS SPARTA!”

    And I really need to get Aiko 4 one day because really like the base model
    .-= Joey´s last blog ..It’s wrapping around the column =-.

  2. @drow Shiny is good :D

    @Joey Thanks! You’re right – the top image definitely does have a Luke Cage vibe, doesn’t he?

    If it helps, I’ll post up a quick tutorial about real easy realism in DAZ Studio 3 for you.

  3. I’ve had Studio for some time but I’m still far from satisfied with my results. The DOF in the first image is pretty nifty – looking forward to more from you!

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