And you thought your players were difficult

DAZ Studio, no postwork. Click to enlarge. You know you want to.
DAZ Studio, no postwork. Click to enlarge. You know you want to.

Do dragons play Dungeons & Humans, I wonder.

This was a fun one to put together. They dragons were easy – getting the PHB, MM and DMG covers onto the books was the harder part. That’s a matter of trial and error (and a handy template guide) to get the dimensions correct. Took about three tries; the first attempts had the DMG cover four times too large so only the top right corner filled the cover. Not pretty. Once I’d got the DMG image right though, the PHB and MM were a cinch. Photoshop and CTRL-T is your friend. After that is was just a was of building the character sheets and putting the map in the folder.

Lighting an image like this is a fine art. I wanted to just use candle-light (a single point light attached to the candle’s wick), but that came out much too dark. Well, duh. Solution: add a touch of moonlight to give the image a soft blue cast and my work is done.

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