2005-12-29 2338 RPG: Cool generic GURPS caveman lifted from the [http://forums.sjgames.com/showthread.php?t=5451 GURPs . . .

Cool generic GURPS caveman lifted from the GURPs forums:
– cut –

Joe the Cave Man
Setting: 125,000 to 32,000 B.C.

 ST: 12 [20]; DX: 9 [-10]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 10 [0]

 Attributes: 30
 Advantages: 10
 Disadvantages: -30
 Skills: 15
 TOTAL: 25

 Advantages: Alertness +2 [10]

 Disadvantages: Sense of Duty (Religious beliefs) [-5];
 Short Lifespan [-10]; Unluckiness [-15]

 Skills: Axe/Mace-8 [1]; Naturalist-10 [4]; Spear-9 [2];
 Spear Throwing-10 [2]; Stone Knapping-10 [2]; Tracking-9 [2];
 Traps-9 [1]; Weather Sense-9 [1]

 Gear: Early stone-tipped spear (thr+1, +1 2-h or thrown,
 Acc 2, 1/2 Dam 12, Max 18); hafted axe (sw+1); cloak;
 loincloth; boots; flint sparker; stone scraper; sack; waterskin
 Notes: This represents a Neandertal hunter, but could be used,
 with minor changes, as a Cro-Magnon hunter. The character could
 also be used in a Lost World or fantasy campaign as a primitive

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