Like pandas? Like comics? Then you’ll like……


MonPandaI don’t normally do kickstarter shout-outs here at the ‘Lair but I’m more than happy to make exceptions for cute furry things, especially when superheroes are involved too. How can I possibly say no?

The Panda Show is offering 13 digital comics, 13 games and a trade paperback, with the comics released in DRM free form across the intertubes on completion. This is also a textbook example of how a Kickstarter should be presented with all the expected costs and figures laid out as well as bios for the creative team. This ‘Wulf approves.

There’s a catch, of course. There’s only 6 days to go (at time of posting. If you’re reading this in the future you’re amazing and have flying cars) and they’re far short of their goal. Just $5 will go a long way toward helping them out, especially if we all chip in. The more you can, the better.

Go give them a hand.

For the pandas!

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