Today only – get Mutants and Masterminds, for free!

It’s Chris Pramas’ birthday (happy birthday, Chris!) and not only that it’s also Free RPG Day. This year the good people at Green Ronin have put together a free bundle for you to download which includes:

  • The  complete Mutants & Masterminds core rules Hero’s Handbook – that’s the whole one-book superhero system, and quite possibly the only superhero (or any other genre, for that matter) rpg you will ever need. Wow.
  • Want to try out the game without having to learn the (excellent but quite crunchy) character generation? There’s The Sentinels 10 pre-generated characters included, on top of the 15 Archetypes included in the Hero’s Handbook. Grab a couple to use as PCs, reskin one as a major villain, add the mooks from the core rules as cannon fodder and you’re ready to play!
  • Want an introductory setting as well? Chris has seen fit to throw in the Introduction and Prologue adventure for Emerald City Knights setting too

That’s quite a freebie! I adore M&M as a rules system and if you have never tried superhero gaming before this is a must-have download.

It’s only available for 24 hours though so be quick.

Go get it!

One Comment on “Today only – get Mutants and Masterminds, for free!”

  1. I was quite surprised at how good of a deal this was. I already had most of it but I downloaded it anyway.

    Right now however, I am too busy morning the loss of my dwarven archer who bit it while defending Ustalav.

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