Michael 5 is alive! (nsfw)

The latest version of the best male render character in the whole world was released last week, and I’ve been buried in DAZ Studio getting to know how he renders even since. Here’s to you, Michael 5.

And hot darn, he’s great. Just look at those shoulders. Michael 4 (the previous figure) was good, but this new figure just leaves him in the dust. Unlike number 4, Mickey 5 isn’t a stand-alone figure but a morph for the Genesis figure, meaning that he mixes with all of the morphs you already have (including those that come with Genesis Base, which comes with the free DAZ Studio package) for create a pretty much infinite variety of body and face shapes. If that’s not enough, add the Evolution and Ethnic morphs and be prepared to lose months of your life creating your own characters.

As with Victoria 5, Michael 5 comes with a range of morphs; there’s a default shape (shown above), a Hero morph more proportioned for fantasy renders (below) and a Smooth morph (which I’ve not tested yet). There’s also Average Joe and Tough Guy face morphs, and a “bulge” morph (finally!) to make clothes fit more realistically below the waist. Goodbye Ken Doll renders, at last.


Michael 5 also comes with an Elite-class texture called (confusingly) Philip. Maybe that’s his middle name, of something. As well as the clean-shaven texture, it includes a choice of racial hair including goatee and moustache. Quite simply, it’s the best male texture I have seen, and has instantly become my go-to choice for rendering males.

No I don't know why either

Along with the Michael 5 figure/morph, the nice people at DAZ 3D have also released a load of new content to support him, and as this is Genesis that means it all automatically fits your female (and monstrous!) characters too. Which is nice, even if not all of it is…  appropriate.

Not Michael 5, but wearing his clothes

Where Michael 5 shines is in Fantasy renders. This is a figure designed for sticking in fantasy garb. Want proof? How about this.


Or this…..


Or this…


I would say he is rather bloody good.

Grab a copy of DAZ Studio then go get him. You won’t regret it.

PS Tutorial coming on Monday Soon!



9 Comments on “Michael 5 is alive! (nsfw)”

  1. Could you please put NSFW on this – you are usually very good at this but it can be quite important. Thanks

    1. Oh, you haven’t commented on my blog. Not that it matters, since our opinions diverged on 4e. However, I do have a new post up that I’d like you to participate in. :)

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