
Here’s an Aquaman type of guy in the style of Alex Ross, just because.

The nice people over at DAZ3D are running a rather remarkable promotion right now. You can get DAZ Studio 4 Pro (yes, the Pro edition), Bryce 7 Pro (yes, still the Pro edition) and Hexagon 2.5 (the… only edition) for absolutely free, no strings attached.

That’s around $800 worth of software (and included content) for nothing. Their objective is to widen their customer base and encourage users to step up and become content creators in their own right. This little (ha!) package gives you all the tools you need to design, build, render and sell your own models, characters, clothes and props. If that’s not your bag, this is a time-limited opportunity to grab some of the best tools around and have fun learing how to create renders, virtual landscapes and more.

You’ve got until the end of February,  but why wait? Go get ’em now!



3 Comments on “Aquamanic”

  1. It’s definitely something to be excited about, that’s for sure. I haven’t fiddled around with DAZ much since 3.0, and now I’m very tempted to.

    In regards to the actual render, it’s awesome as always… though I somehow misread Alex Ross as Bob Ross for a second… which, strangely, has its own appeal. “And now we’re gonna paint in some happy little water splashes right there…”

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