The Gamebooks (and Dragon Warriors) are back!

Remember the old Home of the Underdogs site that hosted many long out of print Fighting Fantasy-style gamebooks including such classics as GrailQuest, Middle-Earth Quest, and many more? When the site folded it was feared that they would be lost forever into the mists of time.

Well, they’re back, thanks to the good folks at Abandonia! The HotU Legacy Collection is their new home, and of most interest to we role-players this includes all six books that made up the original Dragon Warriors RPG. Oh lordy yes. The internet is a happier place today.

Go get ’em, and shame on you for being so tardy and missing them the first time around.

Well. What are you waiting for?

6 Comments on “The Gamebooks (and Dragon Warriors) are back!”

  1. Abandonia?!? Kind of an odd place to find them, but hey, let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth! COME TO ME, Dragon Warriors!

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