Help those in need and enter to win!

Help those in need and enter to win a custom character illustration by fantasy illustrator Ben Wootten

This holiday teams with fantasy and sci-fi illustrator Ben Wootten to raise money for those in need and we hope you can support us.

Starting December 20th and running till December 24th, donating to The Red Cross via their site will enter you in a drawing to win a custom character illustration by Ben.

Ben’s work graces dozens of D&D books. He’s worked with Wizards of the Coast, Paizo Publishing, Goodman Games, and Sony. Heck, he drew concept art for the Lord of the Rings movies and for one lucky person, he’ll draw their RPG character.

Entering to win is simple:

  • Just visit the “Charity” page at
  • Donate whatever you can afford via the PayPal “Donate” link (you don’t actually need a PayPal account, you can use a credit card).

100% of the money raised will go to the Red Cross. The Red Cross has seen a recent surge in requests for aid in the form of food, clothing and shelter and Ben and want to help.

On December 24th around 5 PM PST, they will announce the winner, the amount of money raised, and give a special thanks to all the sites that helped promote our fund-raiser.

This just dropped in my inbox and I cannot think of a more worthy cause to support this Christmas. Spread the word and donate to win! — greywulf

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