Why stop with the Anti-Paladin

Why should the Paladin be the only Class to get an opposite? What makes those tin-can wearing smugheads so special? Let’s set the record straight with a serious dose of Anti-Everything!

As with the Anti-Paladin, these aren’t new classes as such (though they could be) but rather a re-imagining of the class’s origin and outlook through a distorted reversing mirror. You could, for example, create an Anti-Wizard by generating a Wizard and a careful selection of spells and abilities. Might be tricky with the Anti-Fighter though….

Read on.

Anti-Cleric, “The Unbeliever”

It’s not enough to merely deny the gods, the Anti-Cleric actively defy them with every fibre of their being. They shake their fists at thunderstorms, curse the sun and deny the existence of the afterlife despite living in a world where the undead are an all-too-common problem.

Not all Unbelievers are quite so foolish as to taunt the gods to their face of course, and instead put their faith in cold science. The sun is not a manifestation of Pelor’s will, but a floating ball of gas a million miles away. Thunderstorms are caused by charged electrical current, and aren’t merely Kord out hunting again.

Most sane people look at these weirdoes and cross the street. Better not to be around when the gods decide to make a personal visit.

Meanwhile the Unbelievers hide themselves in their isolated towers festooned with pipes, wires and lightning rods, waiting for that perfect scientific thunderstorm where they can prove the dead can return to life without the intervention of the gods. Science will prevail!

Iconic Unbeliever: Professor Frankenstein

Anti-Fighter, “The Pacifist”

Just as a Paladin may be lured into the ways of the Anti-Paladin, a Fighter might turn his back from the senseless slaughter of his profession and turn to peace. Don’t mistake this as a sign of weakness however; The Pacifist is a consummate Defender who seems able to counteract attacks against himself or those he has chosen to defend. While he won’t wield any weapon, the Anti-Fighter appears to possess a nigh-supernatural ability to avoid damage.

He’ll out-manoeuvre, out-think and out-wit you and somehow, somehow win the day without landing a single blow. And you probably won’t even know how he did it.

Iconic Pacifist: Doctor Who

Anti-Rogue, “The Giver”

Your typical Rogue is, more than any other Class, a Taker by nature. Whether they’re taking lives, picking your pockets or breaking into the merchant’s mansion, the Rogue is all about using stealth and skill to take stuff. In contrast, the Anti-Rogue’s primary motivation in life is to give. Whether this compulsion is born from altruism or a geas (or curse!) depends on the nature of the Giver. Some focus their energies on charitable works while others aim to right the wrongs of their forefathers.

Givers can be found in all walks of life – from the wealthy merchant now dedicating his life to bettering the lives of those around him to the backwoods tracker working to give the untamed savages a better life. Even more so than many a lazy Rogue, the Giver is a man (or woman) of action. They push themselves for their cause, and frequently expect others to do the same. Many Givers can be quite bullying and intolerant when others get in their way, and can be annoyingly single-minded in their goals. Pity the poor fool who thwarts a Giver on a mission!

Iconic Giver: Santa Claus

Anti-Wizard, “The Spellbinder”

As with the Unbeliever, the Spellbinder stands against the tropes of the age. They see the use of magic as something that must be prevented and controlled. Many Spellbinders view the Arcane as an evil force that threatens to destroy the very fabric of the universe itself, a manifestation of pure Chaos unleashed by it’s unknowing practitioners. Others are more pragmatic in their approach and recognise that controlled magic is a powerful force for good and use their talents to contain and prevent its abuse by those with low scruples or overconfident ability.

Spellbinders have been known to be employed by Wizard Academies as an Internal Affairs Bureau, monitoring and regulating the unauthorised use of the Arcane by their students and staff. Unsurprisingly, Spellbinders are universally disliked and distrusted by Wizards, Sorcerers and their ilk.

The Spellbinder’s abilities centre around the detection, dispelling, nullifying and binding of magic effects. Some work with Unbelievers and Artificers to construct awe-inspiring magic-absorbing devices that work over a large area – all too often with explosive results. Others walk the streets in black cowls and tall hats, sniffing constantly to detect the faint whiff of spell-casting.

Iconic Spellbinder: The Witch-Hunter General

Now it’s over to you, gentle reader. I welcome suggestions for the other Anti-Classes. What would an Anti-Warlock be like (a Pactbreaker?). How about an Anti-Warlord (Peacelord?) or an Anti-Swordmage? What about an Anti-Ranger, or an Anti-Assassin (a Bodyguard, perhaps?)

Let’s up the Anti!

6 Comments on “Why stop with the Anti-Paladin”

  1. For the Anti-Fighter, give him some martial arts moves in the Aikido style of things – throws, flips, joint locks, etc. That goblin charging in with his spear is going to get flipped around and slung back into his goblin partner if the Anti-Fighter get’s ahold of him.

    I’ve never looked into any DnD-style martial arts, but there are martial arts in other systems, so I’m sure there are similar things for DnD too.

  2. Is there such an ability to prevent the use of an enemy’s abilities based upon the ability’s type? For example, the use of an enemy’s lighting-based techniques is sealed, until it saves for it.

    1. I don’t think there’s any Powers that prevent use of an enemy’s abilities based on type (though with so many Powers out now, I could very easily be proven wrong).

      What there are though are a number of Powers and Rituals which provide pretty steep penalties (either to-hit or damage) against opponents who are hit, cross the Circle or whatever.

      For example, it’s a matter of mere moments to reskin Magic Circle (a lvl 5 Ritual which protects against aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, natural or shadow typed creatures) to being a Protective Ward against lightning, fire, acid, etc.

      Creatures with levels lower than your Arcana check result minus 10 could not use their attacks based on that damage type, while higher-level foes take force damage equal to your Arcana check result, but doing so breaks the Ward.

      Likewise, I’m sure many Powers which impose a Dazed (save ends) condition could be reskinned to lock down a foe’s attacks. For example, the Druid’s Roar of Terror (a lvl 5 Daily Close Blast 5 Widsom vs. Will) could be reskinned to be Seal The Lightning , lvl 5 Daily Close Blast 5 Widsom vs. Will which prevents the targets from using any attacks which do Lightning damage (save ends).

      That’s how I’d do it, anyhow.

    1. Pick one:

      1. Convince the Goblins that they’re better off attacking the Ogres in the next valley instead.

      2. Set the Goblins fighting among each other as to which is the most important/best looking/one with the most hit points

      3. Talk the Goblins into trading their spears for shiny pebbles

      4. Set up life-sized wooden soldiers on the village wall to make it look like they’re heavily defended

      5. Dress as a wizard with a load of sunrods under his robe to make it look like he’s a powerful sun mage and scare the poor Goblins away

      Or any one of countless non-combat oriented cunning plans :)

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