Will you remember me when I am gone

I’m going to drop offline for a short while to rest, recover and generally do stuff. Not, I’ll grant you, the most Earth shattering of announcements (OMG! ZOMBIES!), but there you go.

Here’s a list of what’s on the horizon during my blog-free days just so you know what to expect when Greywulf’s Lair returns.

  • Completing Kobold Hall for Minecraft. Just two more encounter areas to go, folks!
  • Talking of Minecraft, we’re planning a rather special offer Real Soon: a one-click create your own online Minecraft multiplayer server for around $10/month. Want a virtual world of your very own with zero installation hassles? Now you can! I’ll be posting more information and details about this after the Minecraft Halloween Update is released. As they say: watch this space!
  • I have a metric shedload of renders I owe to folks. Clearing these and catching up with my backlog is much needed!
  • Over on the RPG front there’s updates to Icon City for the ICONS superhero RPG, a long overdue review of DC Superheroes and I weigh into the great Essentials debate (which is neither great, essential, nor a debate).
  • Want more DAZ Studio tutorials? You got it! Suggestions welcome on this one.

And with that, adieu. I leave you with a handful of renders from the archives. ‘Cos everyone likes a pretty picture, right?

(All rendered in DAZ Studio by me with some, lots or no postwork. Click to enlarge.)


Our Lady Starseer

Foundry, Cleric and Builder of Warforged

Always with the smiling face

Come no closer

Summer storms

The first snow in gnomeland


Spears are so underrated


Just another forest nymph




3 Comments on “Will you remember me when I am gone”

  1. Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
    Know the line has held, your job is done.
    Rest easy, sleep well.
    Others have taken up where you fell,
    the line has held.
    Peace, peace, and farewell!

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