Stat the A-Team!

Here’s a quick question to throw into the shallow duckpond that is the internet: what Race/Class combos would best represent the A-Team, were they transplanted into the realms of Dungeons & Dragons?

To my mind, this dysfunctional band of merry pyromaniacs (who always seem to get the job done) are the archetypal adventuring party. They travel from locale to locale, continually breaking things until they’re fixed. Yep, just like an adventuring party.

Gimme race & class for Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, First Lieutenant Templeton “Faceman” Peck, Master Sergeant Bosco Albert (“B.A.”) Baracus and Captain H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock in all their glory. Bonus points will be given for suggested level and stats with extra special bonus points for complete characters.

The weirder and wilder the better! Points will be deducted for just saying “Four Human Rogues” and walking away. Not that I’m counting points. But still.

Repeat after me: DAH da DAH, DAH DAH DAAAAAAAH!

Over, dear people, to you.

9 Comments on “Stat the A-Team!”

  1. Colonel John Smith is the leader, he always comes up with the plan. Even though his plans are unconventional. He’s Airborne. So in Rolemaster he would be a Fighter with the Soldier and Knight training packages with skill ranks in Military Strategy and Tactics. He’s also an actor, so he’d also have ranks in Acting (he’s a bad actor in film) and has a lot of disguises (a couple of ranks in Disguise).

    [h. m. urban man fighter lvl 10; soldier TP, officer TP, Knight TP; most used skills -> Strategy (15 ranks), Tactics (15 ranks), Acting (5 ranks), Disguise (9 ranks)]

    Templeton Peck, the Faceman, is a rogue through and through. He also has the Soldier training package. He also has a lot of ranks in Duping and Seduction. He also would be trained in the rapier.
    [ m. High Elf Rogue lvl 7; Soldier TP, Officer TP, most used skills -> Duping (12 ranks), Seduction (10 Ranks), Rapier (10 ranks)]

    Bosco Baracus was the man who made the plans come to life. He’d be the Wizard or Magician of the group. However, being a big bruiser he has a lot of power in his muscles. His strength would be 95 (in Rolemaster) with the cosmetic advantage of looking strong (+10 to Strength). As the mage, B.A. constructs things. Whether it be a golem or a spell. He’d also have the Soldier Package.
    [m. Half Orc Dabbler level 8; TP Soldier, Adventurer; Most used skills -> Martial Arts Basic Art Form (Commando) 6 ranks, Craft Light Military Machines (10 ranks); Spell list Physical Enhancement -> 10 Ranks; Notable Stats: Strength 95 (+10 bonus), Empathy 90); Flaw -> Fear of Flying]

    Howling MAD Murdock is the pilot. He has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder really bad as the result of being through several campaigns. Also Airborne trained, he’s a chopper pilot in the film and in the T.V. show.

    In a fantasy setting he would be a halfling or dwarf. Uhm, his profession would be hard to pin down. I would venture a rogue also. He’d have the soldier Training Package, most definitely. [male Gnome, Rogue lvl 10; Training Packages Soldier, Pilot; Skills of Note -> Duping (5 ranks), Pilot Gnomish ‘Copter (7 ranks), Pilot Human Glider (6 ranks). Flaw -> Delusions of Grandeur (major)]

    Now in Feng Shui we have a different setup. Feng Shui is a RPG set up for BLOW THEM UP REAL BIG! action movies.

    Colonel Hannibal Smith — Special Forces template.

    Templeton Peck — Spy template.

    B.A. Baracus — Big Bruiser Template with skill in constructing things.

    H.M. Murdock — All American Hero Template with Delusions of Grandeur Shtick.

    My books are in storage so I can’t give ye full Feng Shui stats. :)

  2. Oh yes, I forgot to add that Colonel Hannibal Smith also suffers from Post Traumatic Disorder. His madness results in taking unnecessary risks for a man of his rank.

    Flaw -> Heroic Syndrome.

    1. Oh, yes, I have my Blue Planet books available. Lets go all out, shall we?

      Colonel Hannibal Smith
      GEO Shock Officer
      Species -> Modified Human
      Power Level -> Elite
      Custom Points -> 20
      Armor Rating -> 5

      Primary Attributes:
      Build -> 3
      Fitness -> 3
      Agility -> 2
      Dexterity -> 3
      Awareness -> 4
      Intellect -> 3
      Presence -> 0
      Will -> 2

      Derived Attributes
      Endurance -> 2
      Reflexes -> 3
      Strength -> 3
      Toughness -> 2

      Chemical -> 1
      Hearing -> 3
      Intuition -> 2
      Touch -> 1
      Vision -> 3

      Pace -> Meters per Action
      Crawl -> 1
      Scramble -> 5
      Sprint -> 7
      Running -> 5


      Diamond Knife > Damage 6
      Large-Caliber Handgun -> PB: 8, S: 12, M: 30, L: 100; ROF 3, Ammo 25, Damage 7
      Assault Rifle > PB 15, S 75, M 150, L 500; RoF 3(5), Ammo 100; Damage 8(11)

      Electro-Muscular Analogs (power source for Cyberware)
      Implanted Microcomputer (100 Terabytes of onboard storage, data processing, communications)
      Pain Inhibitors (reduces impairment Penalties by 1)
      Shock Trooper (+2 to build, +2 to Fitness, +1 to Agility, +1 to Dexterity, -1 to Presence, +1 to Endurance)
      Uplink Neural Jack (basically a Data Jack from Shadowrun)

      Close Combat
      Fire Arms

      Military Weapons


      Training Packages
      Origin: USA
      Backgrounds: Colonel, GEO
      Professional: Expert Military (Army)
      Novice Athletics
      Novice Survival

      Administration -> Bureaucracy 3
      Athletics -> Aquatics 9, Freefall 3, Parachuting 5, Throwing 7
      Close Combat -> Armed Combat 3, Unarmed Combat 3
      Communication -> English 5, Interspec 2
      Culture -> Cetacean 1, Colonial 5, Earth 3, GEO 7, Incorporate 1, Military 5, Native 1
      Fine Arts > Acting 2
      Firearms > Handguns 3, Longarms 6
      Human Sciences > History 2, Politics 2
      Life Sciences > Botany 1, Zoology 2
      Medicine > First Aid 5, General Medicine 1, Pharmacology 1
      Military Weapons > Heavy Weapons 5
      Physical Sciences > Meteorology 1
      Stealth > Hiding 3, Sneaking 3
      Subterfuge > Disguise 3
      Survival > Fishing 2, Foraging 2, Mountaineering 2, Navigation 2, Orienteering 3, Tracking 2
      Tech > Computers 2, Demolitions 1, Remote Operation 3
      Vehicles > Driving 1, Piloting 1, Sailing 3


      Digital Binoculars
      Portable Navigation Suite
      Phototropic BDU
      Combat Helmet
      2 Magazines handgun ammunition
      2 Magazines rifle ammunition
      Target Interlink
      2 Fragmentation Grenades
      2 Concussion Grenades
      2 Flash-Bang Grenades

      Special Considerations: John “Hannibal” Smith dreams up unconventional plans. He also takes unnecessary risks for his rank among the A-Team. He suffers from Post Traumatic Disorder, which manifests in his Heroism and in his planning (they aren’t perfect, they just work! — says Amy). He has a confident attitude that borders on Arrogance, he is also rebellious. However, the A-Team’s presence on Poseidon is of minor concern so the GEO hasn’t sent one of their Marshals after Smith.

      Templeton “Faceman” Peck
      GEO Trooper
      Archetype Data
      Species -> Human Modfied
      Power Level > Exceptional
      Custom Skills > 10
      Armor Rating > 0

      Primary Attributes
      Build > 2
      Fitness > 3
      Agility > 2
      Dexterity > 3
      Awareness > 4
      Intellect > 2
      Presence > 5
      Will > -1

      Derived Attributes
      Endurance > 0
      Reflexes > 1
      Strength > 0
      Toughness > -1

      Chemical -> 1
      Hearing -> 3
      Intuition -> 2
      Touch -> 1
      Vision -> 3

      Pace -> Meters per Action
      Crawl -> 1
      Scramble -> 5
      Sprint -> 7
      Running -> 5


      Diamond Knife > Damage 6
      Large-Caliber Handgun -> PB: 8, S: 12, M: 30, L: 100; ROF 3, Ammo 25, Damage 7
      Assault Rifle > PB 15, S 75, M 150, L 500; RoF 3(5), Ammo 100; Damage 8(11)

      Body Sculpting (Peck transformed himself from an ordinary human to someone who looks like Dirk Benedict)

      Trans-human Alpha ( Build +1, Fitness +1, Awareness +1, Presence +1)


      Fine Arts

      Origin: Incorporate
      Backgrounds: Incorporate, GEO
      Professional: Crime Expert (Con Artist)

      Administration -> Bureaucracy 5, Economics 1, Law 3, Management 1
      Agriculture ->
      Athletics -> Sports 2
      Close Combat -> Unarmed Combat 3, Armed Combat 2
      Communication -> English 2, Negotiation 6, Persuasion 3,
      Culture -> Earth Culture 3, GEO Culture 6, Incorporate Culture 4, Street Culture 3
      Fine Arts > Acting 3,
      Firearms > Handguns 2, Long Arms 2
      Human Sciences > History 1, Politics 2
      Life Sciences >
      Medicine > First Aid 1
      Military Weapons > Gunnery 1
      Physical Sciences >
      Stealth >
      Subterfuge > Bribery 3, Fast Talk 3, Hiding 3, Lockpicking 2, Shadowing 3, Sleight of Hand 3, Sneaking 3,
      Survival > Fishing 2
      Tech > Computers 3
      Vehicles > Driving 2


      Digital Binoculars
      Portable Navigation Suite
      Phototropic BDU
      Combat Helmet
      2 Magazines handgun ammunition
      2 Magazines rifle ammunition
      Target Interlink
      2 Fragmentation Grenades
      2 Concussion Grenades
      2 Flash-Bang Grenades

      Special: Templeton Peck was an orphan who was raised by Incorporate Interests (GenDiver to be specific). He joined the GEO at the early age of 18 and became a member of the A-Team. Although Military trained, Templeton Peck had a knack for running scams in order to maintain the lifestyle he was used to in the Corporate World.

      Templeton Peck is called Faceman by the A-Team since he procures all the resources for his group. A criminal of the highest order, he uses his criminal skills for the good of the group and society at large.

      Sargeant Bosco Albert Baracus
      GEO Shock Trooper

      Archetype Data
      Species: Human Genetic Redesign, Systemic Osmoform
      Power level: Elite
      Custom Points: 20
      Armor Rating: 5

      Primary Attributes
      Build > 5
      Fitness > 3
      Agility > 2
      Dexterity > 2
      Awareness > 2
      Intellect > 0
      Presence > 1
      Will > 0

      Derived Attributes
      Endurance > 3
      Reflexes > 3
      Strength > 4
      Toughness > 3

      Chemical > 1
      Hearing > 3
      Intuition > 2
      Touch > 1
      Vision > 3

      Pace > Meters per Action
      Crawl > 1
      Scramble > 5
      Sprint > 10
      Swimming > 2

      Type > Meters
      Vertical > .9
      Standing > 1.5
      Running > 7.0


      Diamond Knife > Damage 6
      Large-Caliber Handgun -> PB: 8, S: 12, M: 30, L: 100; ROF 3, Ammo 25, Damage 7
      Assault Rifle > PB 15, S 75, M 150, L 500; RoF 3(5), Ammo 100; Damage 8(11)

      Electro-Muscular Analogs
      Implanted Microcomputer
      Pain Inhibitors
      Programmed Reflexes
      Shock Trooper
      Uplink Neuro Jack

      Close Combat

      Military Weapons

      Training Packages
      Origin: Native
      Background Packages: Native, GEO
      Professional Packages: Military Expert (Marines)
      Novice Athletics
      Novice Survival

      Administration > Bureaucracy 3
      Agriculture >
      Athletics > Aquatics 9, Freefall 3, Parachuting 2, Thowing 7
      Close Combat > Armed Combat 3, Unarmed Combat 4
      Command >
      Communications > English 5, Native 3
      Culture > Cetacean 1, Earth 3, GEO 7, Incorporate 1, Military 5, Native 3
      Fine Arts >
      Firearms > Handguns 3, Longarms 6
      Human Sciences > History 1, Politics 2
      Life Sciences > Botany 1, Zoology 1
      Medicine > First Aid 7, General Medicine 1, Pharmacology 1
      Military Weapons > Heavy Weapons 5, Gunnery 3
      Physical Sciences > Meteorology 1
      Stealth > Hiding 3, Sneaking 3
      Subterfuge >
      Survival > Fishing 4, Foraging 4, Mountaineering 2, Navigation 4, Orienteering 3, Tracking 3
      Tech > computers 3, Demolitions 3, Electronics 3, Mechanics 5, Remote Operation 3
      Vehicles > Driving 5

      As Hannibal Smith’s including:
      1 Heavy Hovercraft (Black with two red stripes) and 1 Hydrofoil (Black with two red stripes)

      Special: Baracus has a bad attitude when it comes to Authority. He doesn’t like Authority, although he will defer to Colonel Hannibal Smith. B.A. Baracus is a natural Engineer, he can modify most any vehicle with just about any spare parts lying around. Baracus cannot stand Murdock, this is because he has a deathly fear of flying and he can’t stand Murdock’s flights of fancy or delusions of grandeur.

      Generally, when the A-Team uses a jump craft or a VTOL aerojet, they have to knock out B.A. with drugs. B.A. got his deathly fear of flying when he nearly fell out of a jump craft piloted by Murdock during the Team’s first mission together.

      B.A. Baracus is a big man who was born with gills on his back. He wears knee length shorts and a T-Shirt and sandals. He sports a mohawk with a long tail in the back and several native tattoos on his body.

      Captain H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock

      Archetype Data
      Species > Modified Human
      Power Level > Exceptional
      Custom Points > 10
      Armor Rating > 2

      Primary Attributes
      Build > 1
      Fitness > 5*
      Agility > 3*
      Dexterity > 4*
      Awareness > 4*
      Intellect > 0
      Presence > 0
      Will > 4*

      Derived Attributes:
      Endurance > 4
      Reflexes > 2
      Strength > 1
      Toughness > 1

      * Due to Howling Mad Murdock’s affliction of Post Traumatic Syndrome which shows itself as Flights of Fancy and Delusions of Grandeur; Mad Murdock’s mental disease gives him heightened abilities: especially awareness and will.

      Chemical > 2
      Hearing > 2
      Intuition > 4*
      Touch > 1
      Vision > 1

      Pace > Meters per Action
      Crawl > 1
      Scramble > 5
      Sprint > 10
      Swimming > 1

      Vertical > Meters
      Vertical > .9
      Standing > 1.5
      Running > 5

      Diamond Knife > Damage 6
      Large-Caliber Handgun -> PB: 8, S: 12, M: 30, L: 100; ROF 3, Ammo 25, Damage 7
      Assault Rifle > PB 15, S 75, M 150, L 500; RoF 3(5), Ammo 100; Damage 8(11)

      Accelerated Neurons (+1 Agility, +1 Dexterity, +1 Reflexes)
      Improved Blood Oxygenation (+1 Fitness, +1 Endurance, Hold breath up to 10 minutes)
      Multi-Glands (+1 Will, +2 Fast-Talk, Boosted Attributes)
      Uplink Neural Jack


      Military Weapons

      Training Packages
      Origin: Colonial
      Backgrounds: Colonial, GEO
      Professional: Expert Military (Aerospace)
      Novice Commerce
      Novice Survival

      Administration > Bureaucracy 3, Economics 2, Law 1, Management 2
      Agriculture >
      Athletics > Aquatics , Parachuting 3, Throwing 4
      Close Combat > Armed Combat 2, Unarmed Combat 2
      Command > Leadership 2
      Communication > English 5, Interspec 1, Negotiation 2, Persuasion 1, Writing 1
      Culture > Cetacean 1, Colonial 5, Earth 3, GEO 6, Incorporate 2, Military 5, Native 1
      Fine Arts > Acting 1
      Firearms > Handguns 3, Longarms 5
      Human Sciences > Psychology 2
      Life Sciences > Botany 1, Zoology 1
      Medicine > First Aid 4
      Military Weapons > Heavy Weapons 2, Gunnery 3
      Physical Sciences > Meteorology 2
      Stealth > hiding 1, Sneaking 1
      Subterfuge > Fast-Talk 1
      Survival > Fishing 2, Foraging 3, Mountaineering 2, Navigation 1, Orienteering 3, Tracking 3
      Tech > Computer 2, Damage Control 1, Electronics 1, Mechanics 2, Remote Operation 3
      Vehicles > Driving 2, Piloting 6

      As Colonel Hannibal Smith including:
      1 Cargo Jumpcraft (usually he or the “Faceman” scams these), and 1 VTOL Utility Craft (another result of scams)

      I’ll do Amy next. :)

  3. Hannibal’s probably a 4e Tactical Warlord. He is an inspiring leader, and he uses his actions to give orders to his teammates. He loves it when a plan comes together.

    Face is a 3e bard. He has a number of charm-related abilities, and he’s fairly useless in combat.

    Murdock is a 2e Wild Mage. He’s unpredictable, and when he gets a wild surge, things blow up!

    B. A. Barakas is a 1e barbarian: overpowered, and with a peculiar distrust of flying instead of a peculiar distrust of planes. Also, upon reaching 8th level, B. A. Barakas can summon a horde of B. A. Barakases.

  4. no way i’m competing with elton. :)

    hannibal: human warlord
    face: half-elf rogue
    b.a.: dragonborn barbarian
    murdock: tiefling warlock

  5. oops, I mean a distrust of flying instead of a distrust of MAGIC.

    As for race, they’re probably whatever the optimal choice is per-edition: Hannibal might be a post-Essentials eladrin; Face is a human, because 3e humans rock; I’m not sure about Murdock because I don’t know second edition; and Barakas is human, because 1e barbarians must be human.

  6. well, that´s fairly easy. Using fourth edition materials, they´d be something like this:

    Hannibal would either be a warlord (his sense of tactics and ability to organize and lead his men are what has made him famous) or, in my opinion, a militarily oriented leader, a cleric with a battlepriest build. And he would be a human.

    face… Bard or rogue. I feel more inclined to the bard, because all he does is to “act”. And elf, of course.

    B.A. can be pretty much any of the heavy duty martial classes, yet I don´t see much of a paladin in him, so I´ll stick to the old fashioned fighter or the rageblood barbarian. About the race, he´d be a goliath.

    Murdock is in my opinion, a perfect artificer. He can pilot anything, and build things in no time. He also has that “mad scientist” personality that makes him unique. About the race… A halfling, i suppose.

  7. Seriously ? D&D ?
    I mean, there’s a game out there that screams “A-Team” all over the rulebook and you’re creating it in D&D ?
    I’m not participating in this masquerade !
    Viva la Spycraft !
    (So, overenthusiastic troll tone aside, have you considered the alternative ?)

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