Oh my god! They killed Rory!

Jake’s comment that Rory is Doctor Who’s version of Kenny from South Park (and he so is – how many deaths can one character have in a single series?! He’s like Captain Jack’s skinnier brother) got me thinking. And laughing. Ok. Mostly laughing. But thinking too.

How about a Doctor Who cartoon from the makers of South Park?

Yeah. I’d watch that.

UPDATE: Here’s River Song too!

(created with the nifty SP-Studio)

Oh, and the final episode of the series was BRILLIANT! Den of Geek said everything you need to know about it. And yes, Christopher Eccleston is definitely the better dancer. No question.

3 Comments on “Oh my god! They killed Rory!”

  1. It was a great way to end the current series, and I’m really looking forward to the next one (only a year to wait for all those unanswered questions), and of course the Christmas special (hope it is the adventure they said at the end, that’d be fun). And I love the South Park cartoons of the Doctor and his companions, very cool.

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