DAZ3d and Renderosity Freebies of the Week

Wow. I’m stupidly late posting about these this time around so if you want ’em, you better be quick! The Renderosity freebie thankfully stays free forever, but the DAZ3d freebie reverts to back non-free when the next weekly freebie hits the shelves (usually on a Tuesday) so best to grab ’em both right now just to be sure. They’re well worth the time to download, folks!

The good folks at Renderosity comes this Little Double Bow Dress. Free clothes are always welcome, and free spangly clothes doubly so. If you don’t like the bows there’s morph dials to size them down, or just set the Opacity in the Shader to hide ’em completely. Add one leather texture and that hot party dress is now an elven smock. Me, I like the spangly, though I’m sure it wouldn’t suit me at all. Perfect for those renders of girls who dream they were away from the urban grey.

Meanwhile, over in the DAZ3d land there’s a free set of Magical Containers! They’re just what you need for a Wizard’s study or Evil Stepmother’s secret lair.

Scale them up and you’ve bottles and containers galore for capturing little pixies and sprites. In fact, combine these two freebies together, and…….

Till next time!

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