The things you find in old warehouses


But will it fly again?

Love the lighting and depth of field on this one. As ever, DAZ Studio and slight postwork in Photoshop.

6 Comments on “The things you find in old warehouses”

  1. Wow, I LOVE the environment, it honestly looks pretty amazing. I don’t, however, think the lighting on the ship itself is correct. I feel like my eye is led everywhere BUT the spaceship, and the intense reflected light on the floor seems to not touch the ship itself. I wonder if I could do something to it in photoshop to illustrate…I might try it with your blessing. :)
    .-= Bartoneus´s last blog ..Critical Hits 4th Blogiversary =-.

  2. too much empty space. I’ve been in a lot of warehouses in my life–the rules is, they are cluttered. Boxes, crates, stacks, barrels. Shelving of all sizes. Even the empty ones are full of trash and cobwebs–there’s dirt on the floor, there are strange stains. I think you aren’t finished with this render, Greywulf.

  3. @Bartoneous Go right ahead and edit the image any way you want :D You’re right, there’s no lead lines to direct the eye – it looks “off”. In a way though, I like that – it looks more like a grabshot that a well-composed, technically spot-on image. Needs more work though……..

    @Ken Agreed! I’ve a whole folderfull of junk, garbage and barrels I could fill this warehouse with. Hmmmm.

    I’ll give it another shot :D

    Feedback is great, folks. Thanks again!

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