11 Comments on “Temple Meeting”

  1. oh yeah. Greywulf, I’m very grateful to you for making comments on my blog. Okay, if I stumbled on her in the forest, i do believe I will make some moves on her. A girl, all alone in the forest, no one around . . . HEAVEN!! :D
    .-= Elton´s last blog ..I’m Ready to Move On! =-.

  2. Greywulf, I’d love too. But, there is a couple of problems:

    * The Character Generator isn’t available for Mac OSX.

    * DDI is worthless for me to join at the present time. I couldn’t make a 7th Level wizard even if I wanted too and I had the CG on my Windows Partition *which I do.*
    .-= Elton´s last blog ..World of Warcraft Image =-.

  3. @Elton You don’t need a D&DI subscription to play at Myth Weavers (in fact, that have their own fillable character sheets), but if you want I’ll happily build you any character you want and mail it to you.

    Go on, play………. :D

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