Now we're talking! Panzer Leader + Gametable = win (maybe)

What do you get if you take Panzer Leader, that awesome and legendary wargame/boardgame from 1974, and cross it with Gametable, the java-based online RPG server/map/chat thingummy (Last mentioned by yours truly right here)?


I’ve no idea if this is going to work (yet!), but I’ve got one of the maps in place. Now to convert the tokens to .png format files. This might take a while.

Watch this space!

5 Comments on “Now we're talking! Panzer Leader + Gametable = win (maybe)”

  1. I have to admit I’ve never heard of PANZER but I love the idea of GAME TABLE so this sounds very cool…

  2. @Steve I’ve just had a fresh look at VASSAL; it’s been a while since I downloaded it and the interface has definitely improved since then. I’ll take a look at cyberboard too, thanks for the link.

    What I like best about Gametable is that it “just works”. One big empty mapspace, no rules implementation a chat window and dice macros. Simple. I’ll see how the others square up too.

    @blaquesaber Panzer Leader is the grand-daddy of all counter-based wargames, and it’s arguably the best. Quick to learn, easy to play and loads of fun. Good for solo games too.

  3. Cool stuff. I discovered my group’s Panzer Leader game last summer while helping my mom clean out her basement….I promptly set it aside and am now trying to find someone to play it with. Online play might be the ultimate solution.
    .-= MJ Harnish´s last blog ..Weekly Wormy =-.

  4. Mmmm! Panzer Leader goodness in digital form. It has been too long since I romped across Western Europe. Thanks for sharing!

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