Departing Dystopia

DAZ Studio, no postwork. Click to enlarge.
DAZ Studio, no postwork. Click to enlarge.

Here’s a quick render for an upcoming DAZ Studio tutorial, but I liked it so much I thought it deserved a little airtime all of it’s own. Yes you too can render this entire scene yourself – for free! But more on that, another time.

I’m contemplating hosting another RPG Week, just like the ones I ran for Dragon Warriors and Marvel RPG, but this time all about the venerable and much loved D&D Rules Cyclopedia. At the same time, I’m conscious that I’ve raved like the rabid fanboi that I am about it a lot (probably too much) already, so this might get boring for you, dear reader. Time to hit my extensive RPG bookshelves. Runequest is beckoning. Hmmmmmmm.

You decide. D&D Rules Cyclopedia, or Runequest. Which deserves to be the next RPG Week?

Also, I’ve a post outlined for this week’s Blog Carnival, the subject of which is Transitions and Transformations. It’s all about the paths to Immortality and the evolution of D&D Godhead. Or something. Anyhow, that’ll be up…… soon!

Finally, I’m working on creating a super special Dragon-themed 2009 Calendar as a gift to the good folks around the RPG Bloggers Network. It’ll be free for anyone to download, print, use as your desktop wallpaper, throw darts at, or anything else you want to do with 12 images of dragons doing dragony things. Again, it’s coming soon.

Till later!

8 Comments on “Departing Dystopia”

  1. Personally, I’d vote for D&D Cyclopedia, since Runequest has plenty of fans already. Being as my formative gaming began during AD&D’s 2nd Edition, the Cyclopedia was a real revelation for me (what – a skill system that works? weapon mastery rules?)

    I still keep threatening to run it!

  2. Hmp. Well, I’m going to vote for RQ anyway, ’cause I just know there’ll be another week down the road sometime.

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