A Clockwork Audrey

Audrey Hepburn + A Clockwork Orange = the coolest thing in the wholest widest world. I’m just sayin’.

DAZ Studio, postwork in Photoshop. Click to enlarge.
DAZ Studio, postwork in Photoshop. Click to enlarge.

It’s a simple statement of fact that any movie would be improved with Audrey Hepburn starring in a leading role. Picture, if you will, the original Star Wars Trilogy with Audrey as Princess Leia. Or Tomb Raider with Audrey as Lara Croft. How about Silence of the Lambs with Audrey Hepburn as Dr Hannibal Lecter? Now that, I’d love to see!

How about you? What films would you love to see with Audrey Hepburn in a starring role?

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