Dungeon And Dragon Out Now

So both Dungeon 155 and Dragon 364 “magazines” are out now as collated PDFs, and I gotta say they’re both very, very good indeed. If this is a foretaste of what’s to come with published articles and adventures then I’ll be a very happy bunny indeed.

In fact, I’ve a terrific idea. If they took these PDFs and had them published as real print magazines available for purchase from newsagents around the world, it would make a brilliant showcase for this hobby, attracting players from all walks of life. Imagine being able to offer D&D to people who aren’t tech-heads. People who’s life doesn’t revolve around ‘net access. Even kids as young as 12 could get into the hobby without needed a credit card or any kind of online subscription. Put in some adverts from third parties to keep the costs per magazine reasonable, and it’s bound to be a winner. Wonder why they never thought of that before.

Oh, wait………………

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