Doctor Who Does Jack Bauer

Awe cmon! Tonights episode of Doctor Who just has to rate as one of the bestest ideas evah for a Doctor Who plot:

Tonights outing for our cosmic day-trippers really gets this series cooking with a zippy, solar-powered race against time. It begins with the police box wheezing into solidity aboard the SS Pentallian, a space cargo vessel careering towards a boiling sun. The Doctor and Martha – a Steed and Emma for the noughties – learn that a crazed crewmember has sabotaged the ship, but why, and whats infected him? As we all know, the Doctor loves a good mystery . . . trouble is, hes only got 42 minutes to solve it – in an unprecedented real-time story – before the ship is toast. Physicists will tut at the science, and a lost-looking Michelle Collins doesnt quite cut it as a hard-as-nails space captain, but the story has fantastic energy and drive, and exerts the sort of emotional pull thats distinguished all the best New Whos.
Radio Times reviewer – Mark Braxton

The title of this episode is 42. 42 24. geddit? Yep. Its Doctor Who in a race against time and impossible odds all in real-time. To the best of my knowledge Jack Bauer hasnt been in space or time-travelled yet (but theres another two seasons scheduled, so dont rule anything out), and the Doctor has beaten him to it.

This current run of Doctor Who is turning out to be the best yet. Mind you, all of the current series have been great with the exception of the godawfuldreadul Absorbaloth episode. But we dont mention that. No. We dont.

I asked my sons (aged 5 and 8) what their favourite TV show was and they both immediately replied Doctor Who!. I asked them who their favourite villains were. Daleks! came the reply.

So I guess Russell T Davies & co. are doing something right :)

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