2005-12-28 1904 Opinion: I've just posted this little email to Price Waterhouse Coopers after seeing their logo being used . . .

I’ve just posted this little email to Price Waterhouse Coopers after seeing their logo being used at the site that keeps spamblasting me. I’ve hidden their URL in this copy; I’m not going to give the evil spamming bastards another ounce of traffic.

Email below:

I am an IT business analyst with 12 years’ industry experience, so it comes as some surprise to see your name associated with an organisation known for use of spam, website and bandwidth abuse.

Your logo is displayed prominently on http://**********/ – a page I found after my own website had been attacked and that URL posted without my consent or agreement on my own site. I am in no way associated with these people, nor do I wish to be.

If you, however, wish to be associated with such people, I suggest you take no action. Otherwise, I advise you to use the full force of the law to both remove your name and prevent them carrying out any further website abuse in future.

Thank you for your prompt response.

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