2005-10-29 Fun: == Winning prizes by searching the web == Shamelessly copied and pasted from . . .

Winning prizes by searching the web

Shamelessly copied and pasted from Karolczak.com

While reading komodomedia the other day (a really cool site, check it out), I came across this article which talked about a new Google powered search engine, called Blingo, that offers prizes (randomly) to it’s users. So I signed up and figured “what the heck, I’m sure Google is already tracking all my searches anyways, might as well win some prizes for it”. After using it for a few days, I won a prize. A year’s subscription to Netflix! Wow! I ended up taking the cash value of the prize ($216) rather than the subscription, as I prefer to own movies rather than rent them. The best part of this service is when you sign up friends, you win the same prizes they win. So when I won the Netflix prize, so did Rogie over at komodomedia. Some people are winning iPods too.

I signed up as one of Jason’s friends. Want to sign up? Use this link to sign up as one of my friends! Do it! Do it NOW! ☺

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